World Pride 2021 – Copenhagen


Raziel Benitez

Growth hacker - Nerd - Sustainablity lover
This year we are fortunate enough to have World Pride and the Euro Games taking place in Copenhagen, where our headquarters is located. Denmark has historically been one of the most accepting countries in regards to the LGBTQIA+ community. Social Acceptances Denmark is a rather liberal country so there is little danger in being openly who you are. That also means, when it comes to LGBTQIA+ tourism, you will not find the same scale of LGBTQIA+ friendly  or focused locations. This is because pretty much all locations and venues are LGBT friendly so hop on a Donkey bike and feel safe and free to explore. Facts about LGBTQIA + Rights in Denmark
  1. Denmark was the first country in the world to grant legal recognition to same-sex unions in the form of registered partnerships in 1989
  2. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation was entirely prohibited in 1996
  3. Denmark has allowed same-sex couples to jointly adopt since 2010
  4. On 7 June 2012, the law was replaced by a new same-sex marriage law, which came into effect on 15 June 2012

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Pride Locations During World Pride and the Euro Games there will be plenty of festivities to take part in. We outlined some locations that are easy to get to on a bike so you can double down on the green and orange in the rainbow. To make it even easier to be green during pride, we are giving away a 2 hours free ride time, simply use the code WORLDPRIDE21 when you rent a bike in Copenhagen or Malmo. We are also donating 5kr per code usage to pride, only 1 use per rider.  
  • Fælledparken: A variety of LGBTQIA+ events and concerts will be taking place. You can also enjoy the opening of the EURO Games there.
  • Nyhavn: While no direct events will be taking place here, riding by the canals and visiting one of Copenhagen’s most photographed spots is always a treat. Here you will feel at home next to the array of colorful cafes and buildings.
  • Rådhuspladsen: Better known as Pride Square, there will be several events taking place here. Usually filled with a main stage for a variety of shows and performances.
  • Christiana: One of Denmark’s most interesting locations, Christiana is almost like being transported into a separate and independent city-state. Feel the hippie energy and visit Bøssehuset for all things LGBTQIA+.
Enjoy Pride all Week! We have launched our new day deals just in time for you to explore World Pride at the best prices. Check out or 1,2,3 and 7 day deals at our Pricing Page or In-app.